MaxBill, as a company, has come a long way. 2019 marks our 23 years in business, and we felt it was the right time for a change. So, today, we are excited to announce the launch of our new logo as the first step of an ongoing evolution of our brand.

We have transformed our logotype to reflect who we are today and set the vector for future change. Our initial intention was to reshape the logo in a modern way but also, proud as we are of our rich history, we wanted not to shift too much from the previous vision. We retained a few core elements of the original logo and maintained a certain consistency when choosing the new colour palette.

With the new logo, we wanted to clearly convey what MaxBill is all about: stability, innovation, trust, focus on the end result, and client orientation. We also wanted to be simple but adaptable to fix different contexts. For that reason, we also designed a few different variations of our new brand sign. The updated logo helps us staying true to our roots while reflecting on the evolution of our vision.

Our task for the next couple of weeks is to rebrand our collaterals, whitepapers, business cards, etc. with the new logo. Moreover, in the following months, we are planning to introduce a new, modern website in an original design to reinforce the company’s unique positioning.
For those who do not want to miss the essentials: We have updated our logo. It’s still a good, familiar MaxBill but now in a more consistent, instantly recognizable shape.
If you used our old logo on your website or any of your marketing materials, please reach out to us at to request the new brand kit and logo guidelines.